Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reading Journal 2

What Makes A Good Teacher?

The article starts off describing two African American boys with below grade level scores. They are starting a new school year at two different schools, but both schools are in similar environments, low-income areas. At the end of the school year one student excelled to above grade level and the other students scores remained the same. The only difference was the teachers, Mr. Taylor. He is a teacher that goes above and beyond to make his teaching methods successful, in turn making successful students.
Parents have always been concerned as to where to send their children to school, but it is not about the “best” school its about the “best” teacher. President Barack Obama has implemented a new program called “Race to the Top”, a marathon in which the states with the most effective teachers are awarded thousands of dollars.
Teach for America is a nonprofit organization that recruits college graduates to teach in low-income schools for two years. They link the student’s scores to the teachers, in order to find excellent teachers.  They have found that great teachers tend to set big goals for their students, the teachers are always looking for ways to improve their effectiveness, and they maintained focus. 
            The writer showed a great amount of detail in this article. As I was reading the parts about Mr. Taylor I felt like I was in D.C. at Kimball Elementary School in room 204. I liked how the article started with Mr. Taylor and throughout randomly mentioned him. This strategy was able to keep my focus and I found myself wanting to know more about his teaching strategies.

What Makes A Good Teacher?

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